Families are typically aware that their loved one served in the military. However, it is usually only by accident that this is mentioned in planning a memorial service. The families are sometimes surprised when they are given the following information:
Three things veterans should know about funeral planning
- VETS ARE ENTITLED TO A GOVERNMENT HEADSTONE, BURIAL FLAG, AND PRESIDENTIAL MEMORIAL CERTIFICATE. These benefits also apply to cremated remains as well as casketed. If a National Cemetery burial is desired, there is some additional paperwork and information needed to verify eligibility and schedule the burial. You will need to decide on the location of the burial, and whether or not you need to transport remains. We can help provide the full information on your loved one and the contact person if you decide to go out of state and we will also specify the size of the casket or urn necessary. In some cases, these benefits also extend to spouses and children, however this is not true if burial is in a private cemetery.
- VETS ARE ENTITLED TO A MILITARY HONORS CEREMONY, WHEREIN AT LEAST TWO ACTIVE MILITARY SERVICEMEN ARE PRESENT, FOLD THE FLAG, PRESENT IT TO THE FAMILY, AND PLAY TAPS. We can contact the Department of Defense for you, as they are the ones who provide the honors ceremonies, military staff, and additional benefits based on where, when, and in what capacity your veteran served. Many combat and war veterans qualify for commemorative extras from nonprofit organizations.
- THERE ARE FINANCIAL COMPENSATIONS FOR SERVICES for all veterans who were discharged under good conditions. These may vary, depending on circumstances; however, they range from $300 to $2000. Although the services of burial and cremation are not covered as such, there is a monetary benefit which will assist in these costs. If the veteran passes from causes unrelated to their service, the benefit is a standard $300 for burial and $745 for a plot. If it is service related, the burial allowance is $745. We can assist in filing the claims.
We want to get this information to all the veterans out there, and their families, before it is needed. We hope to help you with any planning that may be done in advance, whether with us, or just as a family sitting down to discuss the way you would like to be remembered.
Forest Lawn Funeral Home is here to help and can take away some the burden from your family and assure you that your wishes will be considered when we preplan your end-of-life needs with you. Not only will you know what is being done, but you designate each detail accordingly. This guarantees that you will be remembered in a way that you desire. Pre-planning will also help with the financial stress of making these decisions. If communication on this issue is difficult with your family, bring them and we can all sit down and go over things together. This has been helpful on many occasions. We understand the difficulty in this discussion. We can help work through it.
Your memorial service is yours. As a veteran, there are some benefits that you are entitled to, and they should be part of your remembrance ceremony. Be sure your family has the appropriate documents, and if you choose to pre-plan, we will take care of this for you as well.
Ascension Funeral Group serves the Mobile, Alabama area and Saraland, Alabama area with funeral and cremation services, grief support, pre-planning, and more. Visit us online at www.AscensionFuneralGroup.com. Call us anytime at (251) 634-8055 or connect with Ascension Funeral Home & Crematory and Forest Lawn Funeral Home on Facebook and Twitter!
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