One of the hardest things to do is plan a funeral. Our hearts are heavy with grief. We wonder what the loved one would have liked, whether we are honoring their memory, and if we missed anything or anyone for the ceremony. We try to recall the things that we want mentioned. Often, we wish our loved ones had preplanned their own funeral so that we could rest easy in knowing their wishes were fulfilled.
Why you should consider prearrangement
Taking the time to plan our own funeral is something we often overlook. We sometimes aren’t willing to admit that these services will someday be needed. We think that someone else will do it. Some of us expect others to know our wishes, and some really aren’t concerned. Let’s address both thought processes today, and talk about some hard things.
At some point in our lives, we all wonder what will happen in the closing days. This may be brought on by the loss of someone else, by a near-miss in our own lives, or just as a daydream. We think of the things we want people to know, but still haven’t gotten the point across, whether it is in person or by another means of communication. Planning your service gives you that chance to relay your words clearly to those you want to hear them. You have the opportunity to make your own statements and can even write or record a message to be read or played.
Your specific wishes are known when you pre-plan. If you prefer burial or cremation, want a service or just a visitation, these are all pre-determined when you pre-plan. You have the ability to set the financial parameters of your services, which can alleviate the worry by your loved ones over the choices you might have made. You may wish for your friends to bypass the flowers and donate to a charity near and dear to your heart. You understand your situation, and are able to make decisions without the guilt or worry that others would have when faced with those same concepts. While uncomfortable, you may find that you like having a say.
You understand the things which are important to you. You may wish to have certain music played, scriptures or poetry read, pictures displayed, interests discussed, and family recognized. Only you know these details. While you can easily make these points, and outline how you wish to be remembered, others may miss the importance of a membership to an organization, or the association with a group which could be highly important to you. You may want someone specific to say something on your behalf.
While difficult to consider, it is important to remember that nobody really knows you like you know yourself. You have the chance to make life easier for those to follow, while embracing those things you want known. Whether you are wrapped up in the details or not, you are giving a message of love and concern for the ones who follow through, while relieving them of making your decisions for you, which is really what pre-planning is all about.
Ascension Funeral Group is here to assist you with these arrangements. We can help you go into the rest of your life with the knowledge that these details are attended to by a professional and caring staff.
Ascension Funeral Group serves the Mobile, Alabama area and Saraland, Alabama area with funeral and cremation services, grief support, pre-planning, and more. Visit us online at Call us anytime at (251) 634-8055 or connect with Ascension Funeral Home & Crematory and Forest Lawn Funeral Home on Facebook and Twitter!
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